Thursday, December 2


Isn't it lovely! I bloody love the snow, it makes everything look like a Christmas card.

When I moved here and was packing away all my belongings in my new bedroom, my flatmate noticed a very large, very puffy black coat with a very furry hood hung up in my wardrobe. "You're going to need that for an Edinburgh winter" she commented, and since that moment I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the spectacular winter I had been promised.

And this week, it arrived. With a vengeance.

Uni has been been cancelled all week, the campus being "closed until further notice": four words which bring out the 7-year old in any adult. I spent three days in my flat watching people make igloos and frolic in the lovely snow, giddy with the novelty of snowman-making, while I was quietly smug with my steaming mugs of tea and cosy livingroom. Then suddenly, reality struck; I had run out of food. So off I toddled to Tesco, wrapped up in several scarves and two pairs of socks with some 'sensible' footwear (well, as sensible as I would allow; my eyes skimmed past the flat boots and trainers, and settled on a pair of knee-high brown leather boots. They did have a heel but they were from Clarks, so a 'sensible' heel lol).

Dear lord, I had underestimated God's sense of humour. There were snowdrifts along the edge of the street which were waist-high, the path was easily half a metre higher than usual from all the compacted snow, and I genuinely couldn't tell where the footpaths ended and the roads began. And this was in the city! Of course, my first natural reaction was not to run screaming back into the safety of my flat, but instead to scrabble for my phone and make several phone calls home to brag about the glorious weather conditions. Understandably, my lovely friends and family were exceedingly jealous with their measly 2 inches of snowfall. And especially for them, here are a little video of the view from my living-room window, just to rub more snow salt in their wounds.

Fabulous. I'm off to make a hot whisky and watch Elf, happy snowballing (or not)!

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