Wednesday, May 2

A mad March marriage...

I very recently got chastised by Mrs Not-So-Newlywed for yet again neglecting my blog. I admit it, I have been vair naughty. But in my defence, I have had an extremely busy few weeks and should not be held entirely accountable for my absenteeism. So there.

Sooooo March was a mad one, eh! More specifically, the first three weeks of March, which could only be described as the most action-packed, blissful, exciting, emotional and drama-tastic nineteen days since I don't know when;  a tornado of excitement involving several thousand units of alcohol, a barrel of laughs, tears, false lashes and tan, a wedding and a trip to Marrakech (more on that later), which is almost a criminal amount of fun to be having in the first quarter of a calendar. We also had two very special guests come to stay with us who had travelled all the way from sunny Melbourne: Chopper and FauxFirecrotch, two Aussie friends that lived in Edinburgh a few years back and had played a huge role in The Scotsman's social circle in those obviously dark pre-DG days, so the news of their coming over for the wedding was highly exciting.

A surprisingly accurate interpretation of The Dolmio's.
The two bright-eyed bushy-tailed kids getting
hitched are two very-long-term friends of TS;
Mr Dolmio has been his best friend since primary school (bless!) and the two of them had played football and smoked dubious cigarettes and partied together all the way through the education system right up until graduation. Mrs Dolmio went to their university and has been on the scene for over a decade, so it was really special to see such close friends of his swap rings and promise to love each other for ever and ever. Although I am still a fairly recent addition to the crew, I have had many many debaucherous evenings with both of them and couldn't wait to be part of their Big Fat Wedding Day.

Now it's no secret that I love a wedding. I love everything about it; I love the getting your hair and nails did, picking out your outfit for the day, the endless agonising over which shoes and jewellery and fascinator to perfectly complement your ensemble. And then the inevitable eye-dabbing as I get all emotional watching the couple say their vows. I even love that awkward fannying-about session that happens inbetween the ceremony and the meal, while the photographer works his magic and the bar is hit with a vengeance. But my most favouritest part of a wedding? The speeches. Yep, I love 'em. I honestly cannot understand why some people begrudge hearing insights and anecdotes from the people who know the bride and groom best, seeing the father of the bride get all choked up talking about his little girl, hearing occasion-appropriate risque banter from the best man and all the clinking and 'cheers'-ing inbetween each one. I am usually that person who is dangling off their chair hanging on every word with wine-induced glistening eyes and a big dopey smile on my face, loving every second of it and laughing a little bit too loud at the jokes. Ahhh yes, speeches are awesome. At the wedding of the Dolmios, the speeches were extra special, for TS was one of the best men and had to write a speech of his very own. It was already the first time I was ever going to have seen him in a kilt, which in itself had me coming out in hives from all the suppressed swooning, but add a speech into the mix? Let's just say I asked his mum to bring smelling salts along just incase it all got a little bit too much.

All in all the wedding was fantastic, the bride looked beautiful, the groom was very handsome in his kilt, much drinking and robot-dancing later the day was ended with a bang as the entire reception got up on their feet to the smooth grooves of House of Pain's 'Jump Around' and saw the newlyweds off to their bed in style. The next day we didn't have much time to recover from the excitement and resulting hangover, as we had to drag our sorry asses out of bed and get packed for a 3am start the next day to catch a morning flight, for we were Morocco-bound and ready for a week in the sun and souks...

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