Wednesday, October 6

Procrastinate: "to postpone or delay needlessly"

I have very recently relocated to a sparkly new city to start a masters degree. Unless you're a personal friend of mine, don't feel bad for not knowing this before now; nobody expects you to.

Unless of course you are a stalker or have an inexplicable psychic link with me. But I would be highly surprised if either of those options were the case; I'm not anywhere near interesting enough to merit a stalker, and the likelihood of someone having a psychic connection with a person they had never met is minimal. Wouldn't that be utterly pointless though...

"Someone, somewhere, just thought about eating a crumpet."

As supernatural powers go, it's a pretty rubbish one.

Anyhoo, I am only a few weeks into the course, and so far have found it very difficult to focus on the various tasks I'm issued with on a weekly basis. For example, right now I should be frantically working on a presentation that is due tomorrow, yet here I am, writing an entry about how I should really be focusing more on my work.

I have just spent more time working out the logistics of an anonymous psychic connection than I have on any of my homework due in tomorrow morning, and I can only get into one side of my bed due to the large quantity of various cosmetics, scarves and clothing that has been awaiting put-away for days now. Why, oh why do I do this to myself?

I'll share a secret with you. I procrastinate because it's fun.

Any activity I partake in is twice as rewarding when I'm really meant to be doing something else much less interesting.
Add this to the delicious anticipation of the adrenaline that hits when I subsequently run out of time to complete said task.
And nothing quite beats the imaginary pat on the back I give myself when I manage to pull something out of the bag at the last minute, ah the sweet smugness of the 'skin-of-your-teeth' victory.

Procrastination rules. Just remember that next time someone chastises you for your 'poor time management', chances are they're just jealous they didn't think of it first.

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